name of raw feature insights are about
type of raw feature insights are about
sequence containing insights for each feature derived from the raw feature
sequence containing metrics computed in RawFeatureFilter
distribution information for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
exclusion reasons for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
derived information about sensitive field checks (if performed)
sequence containing insights for each feature derived from the raw feature
distribution information for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
exclusion reasons for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
name of raw feature insights are about
type of raw feature insights are about
sequence containing metrics computed in RawFeatureFilter
derived information about sensitive field checks (if performed)
Summary of feature insights for all features derived from a given input (raw) feature
name of raw feature insights are about
type of raw feature insights are about
sequence containing insights for each feature derived from the raw feature
sequence containing metrics computed in RawFeatureFilter
distribution information for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
exclusion reasons for the raw feature (if calculated in RawFeatureFilter)
derived information about sensitive field checks (if performed)