The main function to run your OpWorkflow.
The main function to run your OpWorkflow. The easiest way is to create an OpWorkflowRunner and run it.
run type
parameters injected at runtime
spark session which runs the workflow
spark streaming context which runs the workflow
Application name (gets the value of '' parameter).
Default application name - to be used if '' parameter is not set.
Kryo registrar to use when creating a SparkConf.
Kryo registrar to use when creating a SparkConf.
First create your own registrator by extending the OpKryoRegistrator and then register your new classes by overriding OpKryoRegistrator.registerCustomClasses.
Then override this method to set your registrator with Spark.
The main method - loads the params and runs the workflow according to parameter settings.
The main method - loads the params and runs the workflow according to parameter settings.
command line args to be parsed into OpWorkflowRunnerConfig
Parse command line arguments as OpParams.
Configuration for a Spark application.
Configuration for a Spark application. Used to set various Spark parameters as key-value pairs.
Gets/creates a Spark Session.
Gets/creates a Spark Streaming Context.
Gets/creates a Spark Streaming Context.
the time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
A simple command line app for running an OpWorkflow with Spark. A user needs to implement a run function.