Reasonable defaults values for most aggregators
Aggregator based on a commutative group
Aggregator that gives concatenation of the lists
Aggregator that gives separated concatenation of text values with a separator
Custom Monoid Aggregator allowing passing a zero value and an associative function to combine values
Custom Monoid Aggregator allowing passing a zero value and an associative function to combine values
type of feature
A cut off time to be used for aggregating features extracted from the events
A cut off time to be used for aggregating features extracted from the events
cut off type
cut off time value in millis
Used by feature aggregators to do time based filtering
Used by feature aggregators to do time based filtering
type of feature
date associated with feature
value associated with feature
Multiset with possible negative counters (so what)
Multiset with possible negative counters (so what)
Multiset - is a generalization of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows multiple instances of the multiset's elements. For example, {a, a, b} and {a, b} are different multisets although they are the same set. However, order does not matter, so {a, a, b} and {a, b, a} are the same multiset.
Holds information for extracting features from data record
Holds information for extracting features from data record
the type of the raw data from which the feature will be extracted
the type of the data extracted into the event to be aggregated
the type of the data that has been prepared for monoid aggregation
the final type of the feature returned
Gives the first value of feature
Gives the first value of feature
type of feature
Generic Feature Aggregator
Generic Feature Aggregator
the type of the raw data from which the feature will be extracted
the type of the data extracted into the event to be aggregated
the type of the data that has been prepared for monoid aggregation
the final type of the feature returned
function defining how to extract feature from the raw data type
monoid defining how feature should be aggregated
boolean describing whether feature is a response or predictor for aggregation purposes
time window for integration specific to this feature (will override time windows defined by reader)
Gives last (most recent) value of feature
Gives last (most recent) value of feature
type of feature
Aggregator that gives the logical operation of the binary values
Aggregator that gives the mean of the real values
Aggregator that gives min/max item over a collection of lists
Aggregator that gives the min or max of the numeric values
Aggregator that gives the union of Set values
Aggregator that gives the sum of the numeric values
Aggregator that gives the union of text map data, concatenating the values with a separator on matching keys
Natural map monoid lifting averaging operator
Natural map monoid for Map[String, T <: OPNumeric[N]] where N is totally ordered, by lifting max(_, _) monoid operation to a monoid operator on map.
Aggregator that gives the union of set map data
Aggregator that gives the union of numeric data
Aggregator that gives the union of Vector data
Geolocation doesn't support concatenation since each list really represents just one object, instead its default will be the geographic midpoint (found by averaging corresponding x,y,z coordinates and then projecting that point onto the surface of the Earth)
Aggregator for PickLists that gives the most common non-Empty value seen during the aggregation
Default monoid aggregators for each feature type
Aggregator that gives the sum of Vector data
Aggregator that gives the union of binary map data
Reasonable defaults values for most aggregators
type of Feature computed from aggregator