Base64 encoded binary value representation
Map of base64 binary encoded values
Binary value representation
Map of binary values
Represents a feature type that can only take on values from some discrete, finite number of values.
City value representation, i.e.
City value representation, i.e. 'New York', 'Paris' etc.
Map of city values
A single text value that represents a selection from a set of values or a user specified one
Map of combobox values
Country value representation, i.e.
Country value representation, i.e. 'United States of America', 'France" etc.
Map of country values
Currency value representation
Map of currency values
Date value representation
A list of date values
Map of date values
Date & time value representation
A list of date & time values
Map of date & time values
Email value representation
Map of email values
A representation of Feature Value Type container
Factory for creating Feature Type instances
Factory for creating Feature Type instances
feature type
Feature Type from/to Spark primitives converter, i.e Real from/to Double etc.
Feature Type from/to Spark primitives converter, i.e Real from/to Double etc.
feature type
All feature type from/to Spark primitives converters
Represented as a list of latitude, longitude, accuracy The value is only populated if all are present, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Geolocation Accuracy tells you more about the location at the latitude and longitude for a give address.
Geolocation Accuracy tells you more about the location at the latitude and longitude for a give address. For example, 'Zip' means the latitude and longitude point to the center of the zip code area.
Map of geolocation values
Unique identifier value representation
Map of ID values
Integral value representation
Integral value representation
A base class for all the integral Feature Types
Map of integral values
Location mixin
Multi picklist value that represents a multiple selection from a set of values
Map of multi picklist values
Represents a feature type that can take on zero or more of some discrete, finite number of values.
Name representation - map containing information related to a particular name.
Non Nullable mixin
This exception is thrown when an empty or null value is passed into NonNullable feature type
Numeric Map mixin
A base class for all the collections Feature Types (maps, lists, sets, vector etc.)
A base class for all the list Feature Types
A base class for all the list Feature Types
item type
A base class for all the map Feature Types
A base class for all the map Feature Types
item type
A base class for all the numeric Feature Types
A base class for all the numeric Feature Types
number type (Long, Double etc)
A base class for all the set Feature Types
Vector representation
Percentage value representation
Map of percent values
Phone number value representation, i.e.
Phone number value representation, i.e. '+1-650-113-111-2222'
Map of phone values
A single text value that represents a single selection from a set of values
Map of picklist values
Postal code value representation, i.e.
Postal code value representation, i.e. '92101', '72212-341' etc.
Map of postal code values
Prediction representation - a map containing prediction, and optional raw prediction and probability values.
Prediction representation - a map containing prediction, and optional raw prediction and probability values.
This value can only be constructed from a non empty map containing a prediction, and optional raw prediction and probability values, otherwise NonNullableEmptyException is thrown.
Real value representation
Real value representation
A base class for all the real Feature Types
Map of real values
Real non nullable value representation
Real non nullable value representation
This value can only be constructed from a concrete Double value, if empty value is passed the NonNullableEmptyException is thrown.
Represents a feature type that can take on at most one of some discrete, finite number of values.
State value representation, i.e.
State value representation, i.e. 'CA', 'OR' etc.
Map of state values
Street representation, i.e.
Street representation, i.e. '123 University Ave' etc.
Map of street values
Text value representation
Text value representation
A base class for all the text Feature Types
Large text values (more than 4000 bytes)
Map of text area values
A list of text values
Map of text values
URL value representation
Map of URL values
Feature value type related functions
Default values for Feature Types
Factory for creating Feature Type instances from primitive values
Feature type from/to Spark primitives converter, i.e Real from/to Double etc.
All feature type from/to Spark primitives converters
Represented as a list of latitude, longitude, accuracy (only populated if all are present)
Extractor for non empty feature type value
A collection of decorators that allow converting Scala and Java types into Feature Types