function for extracting key from avro record
Function to filter paths to process
Should process only new files and ignore existing files in the directory
Reader class tag
Reader class tag
Function to filter paths to process
Full reader input type name
Full reader input type name
full input type name
Default method for extracting this reader's parameters from readerParams in OpParams
Default method for extracting this reader's parameters from readerParams in OpParams
contains map of reader type to ReaderParams instances
ReaderParams instance if it exists
function for extracting key from avro record
function for extracting key from avro record
Should process only new files and ignore existing files in the directory
Function which creates an stream of T to read from
Function which creates an stream of T to read from
parameters used to carry out specialized logic in reader (passed in from workflow)
spark streaming context
stream of T to read from
Short reader input type name
Short reader input type name
short reader input type name
Reader type tag
Reader type tag
Simple avro streaming reader that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem for new files.