Default reader/writer for stages that uses reflection to reflect stage ctor arguments
Default reader/writer for stages that uses reflection to reflect stage ctor arguments
stage type to read/write
Default value reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stage arguments from/to trained models based on their class name and no args ctor.
Default value reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stage arguments from/to trained models based on their class name and no args ctor.
value type to read/write
Origin stage for first features in workflow
Origin stage for first features in workflow
input data type
output feature type
Stage reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize FeatureGeneratorStage
Parameters and functions shared across the input features
Some common type shortcuts
TransmogrifAI Base Pipeline Stage allowing to specify Input Feature types and a single Output Feature type
TransmogrifAI Base Pipeline Stage allowing to specify Input Feature types and a single Output Feature type
output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to O
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to O
input feature type
output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to Features O1 and O2
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to Features O1 and O2
input feature type
first output feature type
second output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to Features O1, O2 and O3
Pipeline stage of Feature type I to Features O1, O2 and O3
input feature type
first output feature type
second output feature type
third output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Feature of type O
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Feature of type O
first input feature type
second input feature type
output feature type
Pipeline stage of single Feature of type I1 with multiple Features of type I2 to output Feature of type O
Pipeline stage of single Feature of type I1 with multiple Features of type I2 to output Feature of type O
input single feature type
input sequence feature type
output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Feature of type O1 and O2
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Feature of type O1 and O2
input feature type 1
input feature type 2
first output feature type
second output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Features O1, O2 and O3
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1 and I2 to Features O1, O2 and O3
input feature type 1
input feature type 2
first output feature type
second output feature type
third output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2 and I3 to Feature of type O
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2 and I3 to Feature of type O
first input feature type
second input feature type
third input feature type
output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2 and I3 to Feature of type O1 and O2
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2 and I3 to Feature of type O1 and O2
first input feature type
second input feature type
third input feature type
first output feature type
second output feature type
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2, I3, and I4 to Feature of type O
Pipeline stage of Feature type I1, I2, I3, and I4 to Feature of type O
first input feature type
second input feature type
third input feature type
fourth input feature type
output feature type
TransmogrifAI Base Pipeline Stage allowing to specify arbitrary Input and Output Feature types
TransmogrifAI Base Pipeline Stage allowing to specify arbitrary Input and Output Feature types
Internally the stage operates and serializes the TransientFeature. However to maintain usability for users, the getters will return FeatureLike objects. It is important that during development these features are not captured into a UDF since the entire DAG will be serialized onto worker nodes. All stage method, when referring to inputs, should access them via HasIn[1,2,3,4,N] traits.
Pipeline stage of multiple Features of type I to Feature of type O
Pipeline stage of multiple Features of type I to Feature of type O
input feature type
output feature type
Parameters shared across all TransmogrifAI base stages
Reads the serialized output of OpPipelineStageWriter
Stage reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stages from/to trained models
Stage reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stages from/to trained models
stage type to read/write
MLWriter class used to write TransmogrifAI stages to disk
Value reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stage arguments from/to trained models
Value reader/writer implementation used to (de)serialize stage arguments from/to trained models
value type to read/write