Alternate constructor for OpVectorColumnMetadata cannot be in class because causes serialization issues
Alternate constructor for OpVectorColumnMetadata cannot be in class because causes serialization issues
The name of the parent feature(s) for the column. Usually a column has one parent feature, but can have many (eg. in the case of multiple Text columns being vectorized using a shared hash space)
The type of the parent feature(s) for the column
The name of the group a column belongs to (usually the parent feature, but in the case of MapVectorizers, this includes keys in maps too). Every other vector column in the same vector that has this same indicator group should be mutually exclusive to this one.
An indicator for a value for a binary column (null indicator or result of a pivot or whatever that value is), otherwise None
A name for a value that is continuous (not a binary indicator) eg for geolocation (lat, lon, accuracy) or for dates that have been converted to a circular representation the time window and x or y coordinate, otherwise None
new OpVectorColumnMetadata
Build an OpVectorColumnMetadata from Spark metadata representing a column.
Build an OpVectorColumnMetadata from Spark metadata representing a column.
The metadata to build column from
The built OpVectorColumnMetadata