DateList Feature
DateList Feature
Convert to specified time period
Convert to specified time period
type of TimePeriod to convert date feature to
OPVector feature of time period values
Apply DateList vectorizer: Converts a sequence of DateLists features into a vector feature.
Apply DateList vectorizer: Converts a sequence of DateLists features into a vector feature.
DateListPivot can specify: 1) SinceFirst - replace the feature by the number of days between the first event and reference date 2) SinceLast - replace the feature by the number of days between the last event and reference date 3) ModeDay - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the day of the week Example : If the mode is Monday then it will return (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 4) ModeMonth - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the month 5) ModeHour - replace the feature by a pivot that indicates the mode of the hour of the day.
name of the pivot type from DateListPivot enum
reference date to compare against when DateListPivot is SinceFirst or SinceLast
option to keep track of values that were missing
other features of same type
result feature of type Vector
Enrichment functions for DateList Feature