Sequence of thresholds for subsequent threshold metrics
Sequence of precision values at thresholds
Sequence of recall values at thresholds
Sequence of false positive rates, FP / (FP + TN), at thresholds
Sequence of true positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of false positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of true negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of false negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of false negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of false positive rates, FP / (FP + TN), at thresholds
Sequence of false positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of precision values at thresholds
Sequence of recall values at thresholds
Sequence of thresholds for subsequent threshold metrics
Sequence of true negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of true positive counts at thresholds
Threshold metrics for binary classification predictions
Sequence of thresholds for subsequent threshold metrics
Sequence of precision values at thresholds
Sequence of recall values at thresholds
Sequence of false positive rates, FP / (FP + TN), at thresholds
Sequence of true positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of false positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of true negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of false negative counts at thresholds