Metrics of BinaryClassificationBinMetrics
Metrics for binary classification models
Metrics for binary classification models
Overall precision of model, TP / (TP + FP)
Overall recall of model, TP / (TP + FN)
Overall F1 score of model, 2 / (1 / Precision + 1 / Recall)
AuROC of model
AuPR of model
Error of model
True positive count at Spark's default decision threshold (0.5)
True negative count at Spark's default decision threshold (0.5)
False positive count at Spark's default decision threshold (0.5)
False negative count at Spark's default decision threshold (0.5)
Metrics across different threshold values
Threshold metrics for binary classification predictions
Threshold metrics for binary classification predictions
Sequence of thresholds for subsequent threshold metrics
Sequence of precision values at thresholds
Sequence of recall values at thresholds
Sequence of false positive rates, FP / (FP + TN), at thresholds
Sequence of true positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of false positive counts at thresholds
Sequence of true negative counts at thresholds
Sequence of false negative counts at thresholds
container to store the count of a class
Classification Metrics
Eval metric
Trait for all different kinds of evaluation metrics
Forecast Metrics
Metrics of Forecasting Problem
Metrics of Forecasting Problem
Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error
Seasonal Error
Mean Absolute Scaled Error
Multiclass mis-classification metrics, including the top n (n = confMatrixMinSupport) most frequently mis-classified classes for each label or prediction category.
container to store the most frequently mis-classified classes for each label/prediction category
Metrics of MultiClassification Problem
Metrics for topK MultiClassification
Metrics for topK MultiClassification
Each metric contains a list of metrics corresponding to each of the topK most occurring labels. If the predicted label is outside of the topK most occurring labels, it is treated as incorrect.
A container for multiple evaluation metrics for evaluators
A container for multiple evaluation metrics for evaluators
map of evaluation metrics
Metrics for multi-class confusion matrix.
Metrics for multi-class confusion matrix. It captures confusion matrix of records of which 1) the labels belong to the top n most occurring classes (n = confMatrixNumClasses) 2) the top predicted probability exceeds a certain threshold in confMatrixThresholds
Threshold-based metrics for multiclass classification
Threshold-based metrics for multiclass classification
Classifications being correct, incorrect, or no classification are defined in terms of the topN and score threshold to be: Correct - score of the true label is in the top N scores AND the score of the true label is >= threshold Incorrect - score of top predicted label >= threshold AND (true label NOT in top N predicted labels OR score of true label < threshold) No prediction - otherwise (score of top predicted label < threshold)
list of topN values (used as keys for the count maps)
list of threshold values (correspond to thresholds at the indices of the arrays in the count maps)
map from topN value to an array of counts of correct classifications at each threshold
map from topN value to an array of counts of incorrect classifications at each threshold
map from topN value to an array of counts of no prediction at each threshold
Base Interface for OpBinaryClassificationEvaluator
Base Interface for OpEvaluator to be used in Evaluator creation.
Base Interface for OpEvaluator to be used in Evaluator creation. Can be used for both OP and spark eval (so with workflows and cross validation).
Trait for labelCol param
Trait for predictionCol which contains all output results param
Trait for internal flattened predictionCol param
Trait for internal flattened probabilityCol Param
Trait for internal flattened rawPredictionColParam
Base Interface for OpMultiClassificationEvaluator
Base Interface for OpRegressionEvaluator
Regression Metrics
Metrics of Regression Problem
Histogram of signed percentage errors
Histogram of signed percentage errors
Histogram bins, where for example [-1, 0, 1] refer to bins [-1, 0), [0, 1]
Histogram counts (length of bins parameter - 1)
A container for a single evaluation metric for evaluators
A container for a single evaluation metric for evaluators
metric name
metric value
Binary Classification Metrics
Eval metric companion object
Just a handy factory for evaluators
Multi Classification Metrics
Contains evaluator names used in logging
Regression Metrics
Metrics of BinaryClassificationBinMetrics
brier score for overall dataset
size of each bin
center of each bin
total number of data points in each bin
count of labels > 0 in each bin
average score in each bin
average conversion rate in each bin