Represents a kind of scaling to do on feature before computing importance
Creates record level insights for model predictions.
Creates record level insights for model predictions.
Creates record level insights for model predictions. Takes the model to explain as a constructor argument. The input feature is the feature vector fed into the model.
The map's contents are different regarding the value of the topKStrategy param (only for Binary Classification and Regression) : - If PositiveNegative, returns at most 2 * topK elements : the topK most positive and the topK most negative derived features based on the LOCO insight.For MultiClassification, the value is from the predicted class (i.e. the class having the highest probability) - If Abs, returns at most topK elements : the topK derived features having highest absolute value of LOCO score.
Converts record insights format Map[String, String] to and from underlying case classes to give Map[OpVectorColumnHistory, Seq[(Int, Double)] the OpVectorColumnHistory contains all information about the construction and value of the feature the insight is for the seq contains the index (from prediction vector) for the insight and the value of the the insight (value can be correlation based or change in score)
Creates record level insights for model predictions. Takes two inputs the first is the predictions to explain and the second feature vector fed into the model. Note that regression outputs must be converted into a vector with one column in order to use this estimator