Best Estimator container
Instance that will split the data into train and holdout and then balance the dataset before modeling binary classifications
Summary for data balancer run for storage in metadata
Summary for data balancer run for storage in metadata
count of positive labels
count of negative labels
desired min fraction of smaller label count
up/down sampling for smaller class of label
down sampling for larger class of label
Instance that will make a holdout set and prepare the data for multiclass modeling Creates instance that will split data into training and test set filtering out any labels that don't meet the minimum fraction cutoff or fall in the top N labels specified.
Summary of results for data cutter
Summary of results for data cutter
labels retained
labels dropped by data cutter
Instance that will split the data into training and holdout for regressions
Summary for data splitter run for storage in metadata
Summary for data splitter run for storage in metadata
down sampling fraction for training set
Abstract class that will carry on the creation of training set + test set
Best Estimator container
model type
the name of the best model
best estimator
optional metadata