Spec name for a class
Spec name for a class
Assert stage instances
Assert stage instances
instance to assert
instance to assert against
should expect the same class or not
Compares two real numbers using relative difference with a tolerance.
Compares two real numbers using relative difference with a tolerance. It uses relative differences unless the expected value is zero, in which case it uses absolute differences.
Actual value produced
Expected value
Tolerance for comparison. Comparison succeeds if the difference (absolute or relative) is less than tol.
Assertion to check approximate equality between actual and expected
Create a directory inside the given parent directory.
Create a directory inside the given parent directory. The directory is guaranteed to be newly created, and is not marked for automatic deletion.
Create a temporary directory inside the given parent directory.
Create a temporary directory inside the given parent directory. The directory will be automatically deleted when the VM shuts down.
Delete a file or directory and its contents recursively.
Delete a file or directory and its contents recursively. Don't follow directories if they are symlinks. Throws an exception if deletion is unsuccessful.
Feature type equality
Feature type equality
Get logging level for all loggers
Get logging level for all loggers
Check to see if file is a symbolic link.
Check to see if file is a symbolic link.
Load a file as string
Load a file as string
absolute or relative path of a file
the whole content of resource file as a string
Loads resource by path
Loads resource by path
absolute or relative path of a resource
the whole content of resource file as a string
Set logging level for
Set logging level for
Set logging level individually
Set logging level individually
Disable all logging
Disable all logging
Returns the resource directory path
Returns the resource directory path
Load a test resource file
Load a test resource file
resource folder
resource name
resource file
Feature type sequence equality
Feature type sequence equality
Spec name (StageType[O] by default)
Returns the temporary directory as a File instance.
Returns the temporary directory as a File instance.
Test data directory
The parameterless execute method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. Please invoke execute with empty parens instead: execute().
Load a test resource file as string
Load a test resource file as string
resource folder
trim all spaces
resource name
resource file
(Since version 3.2.3) Use loadResource
The trap method is no longer needed for demos in the REPL, which now abreviates stack traces, and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest
Spec for testing OpPipelineStage instances (transformers or estimators). Includes common tests for output feature, copy, serialization, json read/write etc.
output feature type
OpPipelineStage type being tested (transformer or estimator)