Asserts for Feature instances on a given input/output
Common functionality for testing Feature operations (transformers / estimators)
Feature Type equality instances mixin.
Base test class for testing OP estimator instances.
Base test class for testing OP estimator instances. Includes common tests for fitting estimator and verifying the fitted model.
output feature type
model type produced by this estimator
type of the estimator being tested
Stage assertion for OpPipelineStage
Spec for testing OpPipelineStage instances (transformers or estimators).
Spec for testing OpPipelineStage instances (transformers or estimators). Includes common tests for output feature, copy, serialization, json read/write etc.
output feature type
OpPipelineStage type being tested (transformer or estimator)
Base test class for testing OpPipelineStage instances (transformers or estimators).
Base test class for testing OpPipelineStage instances (transformers or estimators). Includes common tests for schema and data transformations.
output feature type
type of the transformer being tested
Base test class for testing Spark transformer wrapper instances, e.g SwUnaryTransformer, SwBinaryTransformer etc.
Base test class for testing Spark transformer wrapper instances, e.g SwUnaryTransformer, SwBinaryTransformer etc. Includes common tests for schema and data transformations.
output feature type
type of Spark transformer
type of Spark transformer wrapper being tested, e.g. SwUnaryTransformer, SwBinaryTransformer etc.
Trait that creates a temporary directory before all tests and deletes it after all.
Trait that creates a temporary directory before all tests and deletes it after all. Modified version of Spark 2.x test suite trait
Trait with test commons such as Spec and Resource functions
Represents a type of column associated with a feature in a vector metadata.
Trait to enable Spark context for tests Modified version of Spark 2.x test suite trait
Trait to enable Spark streaming context for tests
Convenient matchers for spark functionality.
Convenient matchers for spark functionality.
Examples of usage:
in(myDF) allOf "MyNumericColumn" should beBetween(-1, 1) in(myDF) someOf "MyStringColumn" should ( (x: String) => (x contains "Country") || (x contains "State") ) in(myDF) noneOf "UserName" shouldContain "Snowden"
Test Feature Builder is a factory for creating datasets and features for tests
Helps construct OpVectorMetadata as expected from a stage
A factory to create OpWorkflow instances for tests
Feature Type equality instances mixin. Allowing users to customize equality in tests, for example to allow numerical tolerance.
feature type